Pictionary is a fun drawing game for all ages. Players draw a word and their team must guess the word. The team that guesses the most words correctly wins.
What You Need to Play
Set Up
- Form two teams. Each team should have at least two players.
- The teams must determine the following before beginning to play:
- Difficulty level(s) to use in Wordraw (eg. Easy, Medium, Hard)
- Time limit to draw (generally 1 minute)
- Number of rounds or number of points required to win
- If hand gestures allowed
- If guessing part of a word counts as a point
- Select one team to draw first. This is the first drawing team.
- On the drawing team, select a player to draw first. For each new round, a different player will draw.
- The non-drawing team will use Wordraw to select a word to draw.
- Show this word to the drawing player. Do not show his/her team.
- Once the drawing player has seen and agreed on the word, you’re ready to start the turn.
- Start the timer and the drawing player starts drawing the word. No talking, letters, words or numbers are allowed. Symbols ($, +, etc.) and erasing are allowed.
- The drawing team must guess the word being drawn. Any number of guesses are allowed.
- The turn ends when the drawing team guesses the word or when the timer runs out. If the word was guessed correctly, the drawing team scores a point. If the word was not guessed, the drawing team does not get a point.
- The next turn begins and the next team becomes the drawing team. Repeat the above steps.
- The round ends when all teams have drawn once. Start a new round and repeat the above steps.
- The game ends when the required number of rounds or points have been reached. The team with the most points wins.